Golden Mango Smoothie Post Workout Drink

Golden Mango Smoothie

A light yet filling (and utterly satisfying) post-workout smoothie.

This smoothie contains plenty of protein and healthy fats the body needs after exercise. The superfoods in Golden Sahara also support anti-inflammatory processes. This is a delicious and easy way to help your body recover after working out.



  • 1 ½ tsp Golden Sahara
  • 3 tbsp Greek yoghurt
  • 200 ml plant-based milk
  • 1/2 mango 
  • ½ banana
  • 1 Medjoul date (pitted)
  • 1 tsp shelled hemp seeds
  • 1 tsp honey



  1. It couldn't be easier! Place everything in a blender and blend until smooth.

Tip: If you want to make a slightly lighter version of this smoothie, replace the Greek yogurt with normal or low-fat yogurt. Alternatively or additionally, you can also leave out the Medjoul date. This will make the smoothie taste a little less sweet, but you can of course add as much honey as you like until your smoothie tastes exactly the way you like it.

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